Jumat, 24 Maret 2017


beberapa waktu lalu saya mengikuti lomba pidato bahasa inggris. dan ini materi saya...
semoga bermanfaat.

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.
Excellency, all of judges of the English speech competition.
Respectable, all of lecturer
And honorable, all of audiences.
First of all, let’s pray and thank to our God, Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessing so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and situation.
Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness by Islam religion, So by his guidance we are able to differentiate the good thing and the bad one, the right way and the wrong one in order to enter God’s paradise.
Thirdly, I don’t forget to say thank a lot for the MC (Master / Mistress of Ceremony) who has been giving me time to speak in front of you all.
Dear ladies and gentlemen, standing in front of you, I would like to deliver my speech under the title “Be the Best Generation”.
Ladies and gentlemen, every single era has at least three generations that we call X generation, Y generation and Z generation. Well, X generation is 33 to 47 years old people, Y generation is 18 to 32 years old people, and for the people under 18 years old we call it Z generation.
So which one are we? Y generation! Exactly!
So why? What happen if we are Y generation people? And what we have to do if we are?
Ladies and gentlemen… the thing is, in this ages, in Y generation era, we start to realize that we are not a child anymore. In this ages we have a lot of questions in our mind, why it happen, why I have to do this, why it’s forbidden. Why, why, why so many questions. In this ages we start to decide what we wanna be and how to get it, what we gonna do and what the impact is.
In America, the teenager in aur ages have a thousand kisses, I mean they feel free to kiss one another. But we, no! we are Indonesian.
In South Korea, the teenager in our ages have try for a thousand times to be a boy band and girl band. But we, no! we are Indonesian.
Unfortunately, we have to know that lot of us have no purpose yet. Lot of teenager just do nothing and have nothing to do, and then they just wasting their ages.
Times ago, I heard that was a girl who dead by fall to river because she was doing selfie with her friends and on the bridge over the river. I’m really sorry to hear that, I am. But I think more, it’s foolish death. Don’t you think so?
I heard another case that I read in newspaper. There was a girl had some injuries at her wrist from mirror’s scratch by herself. Why did she do that? It caused by broken heart, she was disappointed by her x-boyfriend then she did it. It’s foolish!
The question is, why the people in these cases do foolish things and got a bad ending. I don’t wanna be cruel, but that’s the fact!
Now, what we have to do? Are we have to be like them?
We are educated student right? So we have to be wise than just go to somewhere with do nothing, laugh loud, and talk about bullshit all day. We have to more think than do without think first.
Years ago, I met a boy from Borneo, we met in Kediri exactly. I won’t tell the detail of this story to you, but I’m gonna tell you that he is fun boy, does everything he wants, doesn’t care about the other, always speak with cursing words. But he has a good responsibility, smart, has a lot of experiences and he opened my mind that the world is wider than I think. The world needs a person who ready to face the changes of time. He makes me realize that we can’t just wait for being older and older while do nothing.
In another side, I know a person who was a smart and nice one. But now, after she came to Jakarta she becomes a selebgram. And it makes bad influences for the others because she always posts her pictures that based on western style, such as picture of her kissing her boyfriend, wearing impolite clothes and many others.
Ladies and gentlemen, in this era we have so many choices what we wanna be. In this era we just have to do something fun, something makes happy, do it professionally then it will be our job. For example, if you love travelling, joust go and write your trip in blog then you’ll be travel blogger. If you like cooking, just do! Who knows someday you’ll be chef! Just post your videos to youtube and you’ll be famous.
C’mon! This is digital era, everything gonna be easy if we get the key! What’s the key? Do everything we love, write it, post it, done! If we wanna be good one, we have to post the good thing. It’s simple right?
But remember guys, we are Y generation and we are the future of our beloved country, Indonesia. Then we have to post carefully. Write it, read it, correct it, then post it. We have to be wise then we’ll be good teenager and good future for our elf, our family, our friends, our school, our university then our country.
Mr. Anies Baswedan said “anak muda memang minim pengalaman, karena itu Ia tak menawarkan masa lalu. Anak muda menawarkan masa depan”. “the teenager are experience-less, so they don’t offer the past. The teenager offer the future”.
That’s all my speech; I do hope that my speech will be useful in our life. As human being, I realize that I can’t avoid mistakes, so I apologize to you all. And I don’t forget to say thank you so much for your nice attention
The last I say Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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